The name of this Committee is the House LA Citizens Oversight Committee, also referred to as the “Oversight Committee.”
The Oversight Committee shall:
a. Monitor and audit the House LA Fund;
b. Advise the Mayor, the Los Angeles Housing Department (hereinafter “LAHD”), and the City Council on priorities and the Program Guidelines;
c. Make recommendations to LAHD, the Mayor and the City Council regarding appropriations, expenditure plans, administration of the House LA Fund, and implementation of the House LA Program.
The Oversight Committee shall further have the authority to:
a. Develop guidelines for prioritizing use of the House LA Funds;
b. Conduct a needs assessment with respect to homelessness, housing affordability, tenant protections and the housing needs of vulnerable populations;
c. Promote and facilitate transparency in the administration of the House LA Fund Programs to ensure it is Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing;
d. Hold public hearings to investigate and share its findings with the public;
e. Hold an annual town hall to report on the progress and shortcomings of the House LA Fund-Programs and hear from the public.
The Oversight Committee shall have thirteen (13) voting members and two (2) advisory members to support youth leadership development.
Read more about membership and seat descriptions here.
The powers, and the general management of the business of the Oversight Committee, shall be under the direct control, supervision and direction of the Oversight Committee.
The Officers of the Oversight Committee shall be a Chair and a Vice-Chair. The Oversight Committee shall elect from among its members a Chair and Vice-Chair for each fiscal year.
Elections for Chair and Vice-Chair shall be held prior to the start of each fiscal year (July 1st) for a term beginning on the start of the fiscal year.
Members may serve as Chair or Vice-Chair for up to three consecutive fiscal years.
Any vacancy in the office of Chair or Vice-Chair caused by the resignation, removal, death, disqualification, or otherwise, of any such officer, shall be appointed by the full.
Oversight Committee for the unexpired portion of the term of office.
The Oversight Committee shall establish subcommittees and ad hoc committees as it determines appropriate and necessary to carry out its responsibilities and in accordance with Section 6.02 of these bylaws and The Brown Act.
a. Each committee shall have, and may exercise, such powers as are set forth in these bylaws, provided, however, that no subcommittee or ad hoc committee shall have the authority to amend, alter or repeal these bylaws; amend, alter or repeal any resolution of the full Oversight Committee.
b. Each committee shall hold at least one meeting per calendar quarter, or additional meetings, as may be required.
c. The Chair shall appoint all members of committees with the approval of the full Commission.
Ad Hoc Committees:
i. Ad Hoc committees shall be composed solely of less than a quorum of the Oversight Committee.
ii. The full Oversight Committee shall establish any Ad Hoc committee to serve a limited or single purpose that is time-bound and will be dissolved once its specific task is completed.
iii. Decisions made within Ad Hoc committees shall be brought to the full Oversight Committee for final approval.
All regular meetings and standing committee meetings shall be open to the public who shall have an opportunity to comment on matters contained in the meeting agenda, as set forth in the Brown Act.
The bylaws of the Oversight Committee may be amended or repealed and new bylaws adopted by the vote of a majority of the Oversight Committee after reasonable notice of such action.
When Parliamentary procedures are not covered by the bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall prevail.
i. The assigned staff of Oversight Committee will assist the Oversight Committee to fulfill the purpose of the Oversight Committee as set forth in the Measure.
ii. The Oversight Committee determines its own staffing and resource needs subject to the limit on the House LA Fund-Administration outlined in Subsection (b) of Section 22.618.3 of the Measure.
iii. The Oversight Committee shall hire an Inspector General as the lead staff serving the Oversight Committee.
iv. The Inspector General may be removed by the City Council for such cause as is sufficient to discharge under Section 1016 of the City Charter.
v. The Inspector General has authority to hire or fire additional staff and expend budgeted resources, as needed.
vi. The Oversight Committee shall review and approve the Inspector General’s budget.
vii. The Inspector General shall coordinate the planning and scheduling of all Oversight Committee and subcommittee meetings, along with the posting of the meeting agendas as required by the Brown Act.